Any surgical procedure in a Minnesota hospital can be nerve-wracking for the patient and their loved ones. While the goal is to save or improve the quality of life, things can go wrong. At Hallberg Law, P.A., we often represent clients living with the catastrophic consequences of a medical error.

IFL Science reports that medical professionals and hospitals fail their patients when tragic incidents, known as never events occur. They are so called because they are entirely preventable. Examples of these events include performing the wrong procedure or the right procedure on the wrong site. Leaving surgical instruments inside the body, implanting the wrong medical device and neglect by the hospital staff pre and post-surgery are also considered never events. These errors can result in fatalities and life-altering ramifications.

In 2008, the World Health Organization rolled out a safe surgery checklist, based on the type used in aviation. It brings together many of the essential tasks that the medical team must complete at each stage of the procedure, from before administering anesthesia, to making an incision and completing the surgery. When followed, the checklist can minimize the likelihood of a never event. However, it cannot compensate for reckless or unprofessional behavior.

Many medical practitioners may view the checklist as an exercise rather than a tool supporting improved communication. This kind of negligence can have an adverse effect on behavior and motivation in the surgical ward, which in turn can increase patient risk. If you or a loved one is the victim of a never event, you may have grounds for a claim. Visit our webpage for more information on this topic.